Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Second 4 AM Moment

I am personally blessed by the love of a sister. She looks beyond my own desires and chooses to feel my pain, my hurts, and shares with me my tears.

I am very thankful to God for giving me people in my life ... people like her. It was one of the few times that I have really felt one's love for me, and I knew that it was because of her love for the Lord.

She was concerned of how I actually am, rather than how I think I am - which is someone I need at times like these, when I am too blinded, too focused on people around me, and fail to check on myself.

Mere words fail me in my desire to express my sincere gratitude for her, which is why I will not further try to look for the supercalifragilistics that can meet the overflow of my emotions. But I know she knows how grateful I am for her, for today. And I am making my mark in the cyberworld so I will always remember how special I am to her, and of course, she is to me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nine of Twenty-Six

Such strong words. Those from your text message ... they told me so much about us. Thank you. :) Let us continue to allow God to work in our friendship.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Egg

I rejoice for today, I celebrate the victory of my Lord - His victory over sin, over death, over the little old me. It's quite humbling actually, how Jesus chose to suffer, bleed and die for my sins. However, contrary to where most people dwell on, the Lord has conquered all these.

Pastor Bel's words during the message a while ago at the Sunrise Service of DCBC, struck me - Christ's suffering and death was what we did to Him; while His resurrection was what God did to Him. It also serves as a great reminder for me, of God's promise, that as His children we will be able to conquer sin and death because He already did so. It encourages me, that the Creator of heaven and earth promises victory over death ... how much more all the specks of hardships that come along our way?

So why an easter egg?

Apart from the which-comes-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg discussions, an egg is something I consider to be basic, as in the origin, the alpha of something. Come to think of it, it could be the end of something, too, considering the which-comes-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg argument. From an egg, you can have a multitude of possibilities to which it would grow to - a feathery, bipedal, warm-blooded vertebrate, or a scaly one, or an arthropod with chitinous exoskeleton, or even a human being. In short, an egg can actually mean life ... a start of it, to be more specific.

So again, why an easter egg?

Christ's resurrection was the proof that Jesus was God. It is the source of our confidence in His power to save us from our sins, as Christians. As what Pastor Bel pointed out earlier during the service, Jesus' death and resurrection are both equally important to the Christian faith. A question that can lead to choosing between the two would make it a wrong one. Either the person asking is just plain curious, ignorant, or he is setting you up to check your doctrine, as what Pastor Bel did to us. (Good thing I was confident with my answer. ^_^)

It is during easter that we greatly rejoice as Christians, more than Christmas, I suppose. We are reminded today that the faith we have in our Lord Jesus is true and not in vain, and that we look forward to His promise of an eternal life with Him.

So why an easter egg?

Easter symbolizes the start of a new beginning for the Christian - a beginning where all of the old self has been crucified with Christ on the cross, and a new self rises with Christ from the tomb. Jesus is alive. And we will be, too, when everything in this fleeting world of ours is dead and gone.

Oh how I delight in today's celebration, for I am reminded of how I have grown from an egg, to a Christian, assured of eternity with God and with His family, all because of His great love for me, and His great power over all things.

I praise God I am an easter egg, after all. Amen.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Actively Wait

As in do things other than wait for his heart and his mind to suck up the 10-week stench of this garbage dump of a situation we have ... which I'm sure the Lord, in His perfect time, will turn into precious treasure.