Six weird (and hopefully interesting) things about myself …
It was much harder than I thought it would be, considering that I enjoy talking about myself, and that I think I have a lot of weird hobbies and mood swings ongoing in my life. I honestly had to ask my best friend about this, while we were strolling our way to dinner one evening along the muggy asphalted Magsaysay Street in UP.
We both have come up with a lot more than six weird facts, actually, though it took us several pre-dinner walks, and during- and post-dinner conversations to have the long list finally be cut into just six things.
The first thing would have to be my tendencies with the extremes – and by that I mean, being obsessive-compulsive in one given situation and being scatter-brained in another; being full of energy while everyone has none and having none when everyone is ready to party; hysterically laughing out loudly one minute and generously pouring my tears out on the next; or being my happy-go-lucky active in a class and being a shy, pathetic loser loner in another. Yes, people, call me anyway you know how – crazy, abnormal, bipolar ... or weird, which is precisely the simple reason why I made it my first fact. (If you’re interested with the explanation why I’m being, however you want to call it – crazy, abnormal, bipolar or weird – then you’d have to know about the Four Temperaments: the Sanguine, the Phlegmatic, the Melancholic and the Choleric. It’s going to be another long story if I’d have to write everything here. But to get to the point, I’m Sanguine-Melancholic, and this combination is quite a mix-up, as in putting-a-test-tube-of-a-loud-mouthed-co
The second weird fact about me shows my writing side and my deep passion for it. I have this tendency to, whether in conversations or just in my thinking or listening modes, write random words either on the air or on a nearby surface – be it a table or my leg. The words are not really purely random. Of course, the words I “imaginatively" write are in my conversations or in my thoughts. Interestingly, I found out some n years ago (where n is probably half my age now) that it is genetic. I mean, not genetic as in the unusual-disease-in-the-family kind, but the I-got-it-from-my-mom one. There was one time when we were lying on the bed, chatting, when I noticed her pointing finger restlessly scratching the purple pillow. It was then I realized she was doing what I was doing – scribbling down random words she just heard! Only that my version of doing it, that moment, was on the air.
The next weird thing would have to be my interesting and intriguing proneness to imitate people I can and want to imitate. My victims are usually characters – female figures – in the television, like in commercials or soap operas and the like. I have this memory card and a sensor of some sort somewhere inside me that I get to surprisingly remember lines, accents and emotions (vocal and facial) when I watch the TV, and of course, re-enact them afterwards. Perhaps it also has something to do with the way I tell stories or just ordinary happenings during the day – almost always in full detail, with almost the exact dialogue, gestures and facial expressions. Sometimes I even–what? What are you saying? Hollywood? Uh, no, thank you. Studies first. (Haha, kiddin’.)
The next weird fact about me is that I love sweets. Yes, it’s not weird because no, that’s not it yet. Since I love sweets so much, I enjoy every chocolate-y molecule that comes in friction with my tongue and with my teeth. Whenever I eat chocolates, I unconsciously eat it slowly and gradually. With a Snickers bar, I cannot finish it in just 5 minutes because I just take an itsy bitsy bite of it each 30 seconds or so. Believe it or not, I finish Hershey’s kisses in at least two nibbles. I just think that each of these chocolate-y molecules are too precious and orgasmic to savor with just one large bite. I get the point of some people that they find chocolates too irresistible to have it stay outside your tummy for long. Well, I don’t know what it is with me, actually, which is why I think it’s weird.
The fifth weird thing actually just purely came from my best friend’s observations. He said that I can have a number of thoughts and deductions from each thought in a matter of seconds. Boy, do I think fast! He must have concluded it from my ranting and occasional emotional outbursts. He also said that I could digest and formulate two different ideas at a time. To put it more simply, he said that I can digest what he’s talking and think of a different idea at the same time. Crap. I must have been opening new topics sometimes whenever he’s just done telling me something. According to him, I have digested the information he conveys, though not fully, of course.
Finally, we’re down to the last weird something-a-majig about me. I think this one’s really meant to be my grand finale. I don’t know if it’s weird but it does sound kind of interesting to me, that no other person (other than my family) has ever heard me release my flatulence. Yes, you of little faith, I am quite sure of the idea that no one has heard me fart. You see, somehow when there are people around, I kind of unintentionally hold it back so it can be gradually released so as to minimize the intensity of its sound. Okay, I guess I should stop right now before I relay too much information about my sulferrated hydrogen-emanating random-motioned particle collection.
That was it – those were the six weird things my best friend and I have thought of. I am pretty certain each person has his or her own weird interests, talents and ways. In fact, it will be quite weird for one to not have anything weird about his or her self. I guess being weird makes us normal after all.
*last online-submitted activity in our CW10 class, 2nd sem AY 2008-2009; uploaded December 15, 2008, 3:29PM
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